2023,  ebony pencil, 19 x 24 in.
2023,  ebony pencil, 19 x 24 in.
Victory Dance
2023,  ebony pencil, 24 x 19 in.
2023, watercolor and ebony pencil,
12 x 15 in.
Biker, Walker and Bess by the River
2023, watercolor and ebony pencil,
12 x 15 in.
2023, watercolor and ebony pencil, 12 x 15 in.
2023,  ebony pencil, 24 x 19 in.
Digging Foundations
2023,  ebony pencil, 9½ x 15½ in.
Bikes and Scooter
2023,  ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
2023,  ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
2023,  ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
2023, ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
Study for "Trinity"
2023, ebony pencil, 12 x 12 in.
2023, ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
2023, ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.
2023, ebony pencil, 12 x 12 in.
2023, ebony pencil, 11½ x 13½ in.

Down to the House
2023,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
6 x 8 in.
Tree and Fence
2023, etching, aquatint, and drypoint, 6 x8 in.
Beyond the Line
2023,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
6 x 8 in.
Little Egypt, Fall
2023,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
6 x 8 in.
Lascaux Horse
2022,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
8 x10 in.
After Lascaux #2
2022,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
8 x10 in.
Into the Snow
2022,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
10 x10 in.
Falling Horse
2022,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
10 x 8 in.
Hunters in a Field
2019-22  etching, aquatint 
and drypoint, 4 x10 in.
Carriage Horse with Pigeons
2021, etching, aquatint, and drypoint,
8 x10 in.
Artwork Title
2021,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
10 x 8 in.
Carriage Horse II
2021,  etching, aquatint and drypoint,
8 x10 in.
More drawings and prints